|14 March 2024

TAR/RCI obligation for road transport

TAR/RCI obligation for road transport
As of March 1, 2024, the use of the TAR/RCI is mandatory at the ECT Delta and the ECT Euromax terminal. Without a correct TAR/RCI, you or your driver cannot enter the terminal.

What does this obligation entail?

In order to gain access to the ECT Delta and ECT Euromax terminal, you need to fill in a correct TAR/RCI at Security-in at the ECT Delta terminal and at the Inspection-in at the ECT Euromax terminal. With a correct TAR/RCI, you or your driver can drive directly on to the terminal, except in case of dosing.

If an incorrect TAR/RCI is entered, the barrier will still open at the ECT Delta terminal. You can then try a new RCI through the new RCI stations in building 5 after the trip has been corrected. At the ECT Euromax terminal, if the first RCI attempt fails, you drive to the waiting area and after the trip has been corrected, you can drive towards the gate-in again for a new RCI attempt.

Why the TAR/RCI obligation?

The obligation to use TAR/RCI is an essential part of the Secure-Chain. This public and private initiative is aimed at physically and digitally safe collection of import containers in Dutch ports. It replaces the use of PIN codes. For more information, please visit the website: https://vertrouwensketen.nl

For the safety of the carriers, TAR/RCI is only valid for the carrier that has made the pre-notification in Portbase, or when an executing charter in Portbase, has been identified in the pre-notification.

The EAN number plays a crucial role in the process, as the check between pre-notification and the Cargocard is done using this number. Please make sure your correct EAN is registered within Portbase.