Estimated Turn Around Time (ETAT)

Estimated Turn Around Time (ETAT)

For the Delta Terminal we provide an Estimated Turn Around Time per transfer zone for the coming 8 hours. This Estimation is based on multiple operational factors.

ETAT on the Terminal & Dashboard Page:

Please note: The ETAT is only available for Premium users with the ‘Terminal’ permission enabled.

A clear and simple overview that grants insight in the amount of time it takes for a Terminal visit to be completed from security in to security out. This overview shows information for the next 8 hours! As soon as you open the Terminal page you will see the ETAT for transfer zone DDE B01. With the option to apply filters, you can add additional transfer zones and compare their expected turnaround times. The data refreshes every 30 minutes.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please take advantage of the feedback button to share any further information or suggestions you have. We value your input, which helps us enhance our services.

ETAT on the Import Page:

Please note: The ETAT is only available for Premium users with the ‘Import’ permission enabled.

If an expected transfer zone is known you can hoover over the transfer zone. A modal will appear, allowing you to view the ETAT for the next 8 hours.