Upload export documents

Upload export documents

Please note: Upload Export Documents is only available for users with the ‘UploadExportDocuments’ permission enabled.

Go to Upload Export Documents

There are two ways in which you can go to Upload Export Documents. Click the document button in the top right corner:


Alternatively, if an export container has a ‘Documents Missing’ blockade, you can click ‘Upload missing documents’ in the container detail modal.


Document types

The following document types are available:


The fee is calculated based on either the number of containers or the number of export documents. Whichever number is highest will be used to determine the fee.

Uploading documents

After you’ve chosen which document type to use, you can select the file of the export document and provide the container number the document applies to.


On the right side of the screen you’ll see a summary of the amount of documents and containers that you’ve selected. Click ‘Proceed to make payment’ to continue.


Transaction review

In the Transaction review screen, you’ll see an overview of the containers and documents that will be uploaded. Click on ‘Place order’ to pay and confirm the order.


Payment methods

For shipping lines, the costs for uploading documents will be sent via invoice. Other companies must pay immediately, either via iDEAL or credit card.